Reading List

Reading List

Books to encourage and equip

  1. Launching Point- Reach the University, Reach the World, Kyle Austin, (Winterville, N.C.: Faithworks Media., 2019.)
  2. Faith for Exiles, David Kinnaman & Mark Matlock, (Grand Rapids, M.I.: Baker Books., 2019.)
  3. So the Next Generation Will Know, Sean McDowell & J. Warner Wallace, (Colorado Springs, C.O.: David C Cook., 2019.)
  4. The Power of One on One- Discovering the Joy and Satisfaction of Mentoring Others, Jim Stump, (Grand Rapids, M.I.: Baker Books., 2014.)
  5. Tactics, A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, Greg Koukl, (Grand Rapids, M.I.: Zondervan., 2019.)
  6. I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Norman Geisler & Frank Turek, (Wheaton, I.L.: Crossway Books., 2004.)
  7. Taking the Cross of Christ to the Campus, William J. Senn III, (Greenville, S.C.: BJU Press., 2008.)
  8. The Master Plan of Evangelism, Robert E. Coleman, (Grand Rapids, M.I.: Revell., 1993.) 
  9. The World at Your Door, Dr. Tom Phillips & Bob Norsworthy, (Minneapolis, M.N.: Bethany House Publishers., 1997.)
  10. College Ministry from Scratch, Chuck Bomar, (Grand Rapids, M.I.: Zondervan., 2010.)
  11. College Ministry 101- A Guide to Working with 18-25 Year Olds, Chuck Bomar, (Grand Rapids, M.I.: Zondervan., 2009.) 
  12. Worlds Apart- Understanding the Mindset and Values of 18-25 Year Olds, Chuck Bomar, (Grand Rapids, M.I.: Zondervan., 2011.) 
  13. Campus Aflame, J. Edwin Orr, (Glendale. C.A.: Regal Books., 1971.)
  14. A Christian Critique of the University, Charles Habib Malik, (Downers Grove, I,L.: Inter-varsity 1982) 
  15. When God Walked on Campus, Michael F. Gleason, (Ontario, Canada: Joshua Press 2002)
  16.  You Lost Me, David Kinnaman, (Grand Rapids, M.I.: Baker Books., 2011.)
  17.  Unchristian, David Kinnaman & Gabe Lyons, (Grand Rapids, M.I.: Baker Books., 2007.)
  18.  College Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture, Stephen Lutz, (Beacon Hill Press,. 2011.)
  19.  Essential Church? Reclaiming a Generation of Dropouts, Thomas S. Rainer & Sam Rainer III, (B & H Publishing,. 2008.)
  20.  Already Gone: Why Your Kids Will Quite Church and What You Can Do to Stop It, Ken Ham & Britt Beemer, (Master Books,. 2009.)
  21.  For Christ and the College Campus- The Story of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Keith & Gladys Hunt,(Downers Grove, I.L.: InterVarsity Press, 1991.) 
  22.  Bill Bright & Campus Crusade for Christ, John Turner, (Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of N.C Press., 2008.)
  23.  Shaping the Journey of Emerging Adults, Richard R. Dunn &Jana L. Sundene, (Downers Grove, I,L.: Inter-varsity 2012)
  24.  Ready to Return, Bringing Back the Church’s Lost Generation, Ken Ham & Jeff Kinley (Master Books,. 2015.)
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